Graphite on 9x12 Canson paper. I did this sketch in the style of Dave Malan's cross hatching. I did this for about 30 mins. It still need working but it's not that bad, just getting used to it. Giovanni Civardi, an Italian artist, is also one that I admire of their cross hatching drawings. Mark Levin is a radio news/conservative commentator and a brilliant constitutional lawyer. At first I was turned off by his belligerent screaming and cursing at the microphone on the radio station that I listen to, 790 kabc AM. After giving time and chance to listen to his piece, I came to realize that he has got substance and arguement in every point he raised. The guy is a smart and learned in the Constitution and Law, that he has short fuse on people who are openly stupid enough to be in the office wasting our tax money, continually destroying the fundamental freedom and sovereignty of America, and disrespecting the God-given values that our forefathers have laid on to us in the Declaration of Independence. We have a lot of public officials presently and continually doing that, both from Republican and Democrat party. Not only that I listen to his show and I also have read his book, "Liberty and Tyrrany". I consider him a mentor ,and in a culture war that we're in , aside from Bill O'Reilly, he's my hero.