Sunday, June 29, 2014

Caricature #948

Lee Van Cleef caricature in charcoal. 


Charles Azanour. Caricature in charcoal. This is my entry for the weekly Traditional Caricature contest in Facebook. It's just somewhat like an exercise for the enthusiasts to keep up with their skills, share artworks, and create friendship among artists. And this category is for traditional mediums, nothing digital. Winners are determined by vote among members, and the artist who wins the best work gets to choose the next caricature to be made. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Pink #946

Graphite. 9x12. 

The difference between a camera and the human eye is that the former focuses the the subject like in a manner where all the lines around it is sharp. In the latter, the naked eye focuses only a part of suject of interest. That is where the edges are lost and found. The artist has the obligation to direct its viwer's eyes to where it wanted to flow. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Pastel #943

Soft pastel potrait of actress Julia Loius Dreyfus.

I was skimming by Chris Saper's book and there is this thought, not the first version I encountered, that striked me: 
"Paint many paintings. Paint everyday that you can. Maybe you'll like only a handful of the many you create. Success is made up of many small failures and the decision to challenge every one of them." 

Then I look at myself and the many stuff that I have made, it's true that only a handful of them that I like. But what's more satisfying about the whole thing is the many lessons I got from each of the bad choices I made. It's evident from my recent works that I have gone through a lot of improvement, at least to my knowledge. However, I also believe in good teachers,worth studying instructional books and DVDs to help me more with direction and speed up learning. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Quickies #942

Another quickies of Micky Rourke in ball point pen. 

Quickies #941

Quickies are fun! Usually I take a break after doing a serious artwork and quickies are easy access that I can post it right away. Below are caricatures of John Goodman and Dennis Miller with a ball point pen. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Portrait of a young woman

Soft pastel on 9x12 brown paper. A first try on a Sennelier soft pastel, and I'm amazed on the brilliance of the pigments. It wasn't a breeze ride since soft pastels sticks are basically blunt and too soft, it's hard to be pointy acurate on application. If it were a pastel pencil it would be a different story.