Saturday, June 18, 2016

Friday, June 10, 2016

Snap out of it!

A montage of my previous works I created to remind me to where my focus should be. It's a no spin zone, as Bill O'Reily would phrase it. 

I don't know why Paul McCartney is there in the mix- he looked so not sure he got me. Lol!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Pretty face

Charcoal on white paper. I finally figured out how to treat the grove of this special charcoal paper. A stump will fill the gaps in between but you have to be extra careful. Never press the pencil so hard lest that you will deform the texture of the paper.. 


Jim Croce, American folk singer. Quick sketch.  An old fav of mine, and listening again to his music is such a treat. 

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Pastel on gray toned paper. 8x12. This piece was inspired by the method of artist Luong Nguyen. 

Jimmy K

Charcoal on newsprint. 12x18. This is my version of Late Night Show host Jimmy Kimmel.