Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Materials I'm using...

Derwent pencils are ideal for drawing when I have to emphasize the rendering and hatching effect that I want. It makes drawing a tedious work to cover the shadow areas because of their property of having more adhesive binding the graphite compare to charcoal pencils, making graphite pencils hard less smudgey than charcoal pencils. They have this luminous effect on paper; and they come with many grades from 9H, being the hardest, to 9B, the softest. I tried to collect all the grades and experimented each one of them as to what certain grade can do. I like them always sharpened. For the hard ones I use a regular sharpener, and for the soft higher grades I use the cutter instead because they break easily. The paper I am using for this type of perncil is the Canson 90 pd- they come in different sizes. They're good for charcoal, pastel, and pens,too.

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