Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Factor

Graphite on 5.5x8.5 ins. paper. After several attempts, this is the first time I am ever contented with this cartoon of Bill O'Reilly. It seem easy, but actually creating your own, to stylize and exagerate, yet maintaining resemblance of character of the subject, I'd say, I didn't know how I come up with it. It's easier to just copy Jason Seiler's works, like my previous projects. I guess after emulating his style I was able to muster something like his.
Mr. O is a beacon of truth, justice, and hope (sounds like the "superfirends"); I admire his command of presence, intelligence, and authority before his guests in his show; his pundits would sweat and pee in their pants wth his no spin interrogation. Many politicians and newsmakers would rather be in other show and be asked with "softball" questions than be in Mr. O's no spin zone. I watch his shows and read his books; I learn a lot of what's happening in the arena of politics, the trend of thinking of our elected officials, and where our country is leading to.

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled onto your blog. I am glad you like my drawings. keep with it, I've got a trick you should try. Find a good photo or whatever that you want to copy, take a pad of tracing paper and draw it. When your done take it and put it underneath a new sheet, trace the lines that are correct and ignore those that aren't. Repeat the process as long as you need. You should be able to get closer and closer each time. Its a good way to train your eye.
    I also appreciate the previous post. Good luck.
